Tag Archives : gin and tonic

Cumberland Saucy Gin – fruity sauce meets piney juniper

Cumberland sauce… A fruity sauce made up of red currants, port, dry mustard, pepper, orange, ginger, red currant jelly and vinegar usually used on non-white meats, such as venison, ham and lamb… and now, its been made into a gin!  Cumberland Saucy Gin Yes, that’s right, the guys at Chestnut house in Cumbria decided to turn their favourite condiment into…

The hunt for tonic…

What do Americans put with their gin…? Sounds like the start to a bad joke! We’ve been in the US for almost 4 weeks now and still struggling to find any decent tonic! At the bars it mostly comes out of soda guns and it doesn’t taste good! Very bitter…. After talking with head distiller Arne at Distillery209 he suggested…

Do you nose your gin?

Do you nose your gin….? Well, the guys at Persie gin think its a must! Persie gin is the brainchild of Simon Fairclough, who back in 2014 started running gin tasting groups. He toured through Scotland, and other parts of the UK, teaming up with distillers, pubs, hotels and restaurants. His mission? To help thousands of gin-lovers in their quest…

Nordés Atlantic Galician Gin

I first came across Nordés gin while on a weekend in Cardiff. I surveyed the back bar and saw the usual candidates… Hendricks, Beefeater, Tanqueray…but then I saw a beautiful white bottle with a black image of the world and a nautical compass a the bottom. I was taken by it! I had to try it… Served with premium tonic,…

Edinburgh Seaside gin

Looking for a gin with a hint of the seaside? Then Edinburgh Seaside gin is probably the one for you! Inspired by the East Coast shoreline near Edinburgh, Edinburgh Seaside Gin is the product of a collaboration between the Edinburgh Distillery and Heriot-Watt University’s Brewing & Distilling MSC. It uses foraged shoreline botanicals including ground ivy, bladderwrack and scurvygrass, along…

Sharish Gin… A little bit of Blue Magic

If you like a little magic with your gin and tonic then you can’t go wrong with Sharish Blue Magic. This stunningly bright blue gin from Portugal gets its colour from extracts of a flower known as the blue pea. When mixed with tonic this gin turns from stunning blue to a lovely shade of pink! Produced in the quaint medieval…

Ki No Bi Gin, Kyoto Distillery, Japan

Japan… The Land of the rising sun.  Home of Sushi, Sake, beer vending machines (!), high-speed trains, Sumo wrestling and now…GIN! and boy it’s a good one! Ki No Bi gin (Which translates as ‘The Beauty of the Seasons’) is made by The Kyoto Distillery which was the first dedicated artisanal gin distillery to open in Japan. They are located…

Mayonnaise….with a touch of gin?!

A while back I was scrolling through Instagram looking at the many different pictures of cute cats and dogs that seem to litter my feed when something caught my eye… A picture of a bright blue tube, not dissimilar to a tube of toothpaste, with the worlds “Gin Mayo” written in yellow… Cue Peter K moment… What? Gin Mayonnaise? Gin.…

Gin with added…..Motorbike??

Ever fancied having your gin with a side of motorbike? Well you’re in luck! Harley-Davidson restorer and parts dealer Uwe Ehinger has starting selling dry gin in bottles that also contain vintage Harley-Davidson parts. Ehinger is also, according to his company’s press release, known as “The Archaeologist” because he goes all over the world finding old Harleys and their parts,…

Old Bakery Gin – Illegal gin gone good

It’s every gin lovers dream (well, mine at least)… Buy a few run down buildings, start poking around in their history and find out they were used to make illegal gin in the heyday of the first gin craze! Well, for  Ian Puddick this dream became a reality when he purchased a few run down buildings in Palmers Green in…